NBN HFC Cabling

This is a HFC Cabling job for delivery of the NBN broadband in Perth. Our customer in Churchlands contacted us after the NBN contractors were unable
to install the cable from the building entry point to his living room which was at the other side of the house. This was a fairly time consuming job
requiring external conduit and a few bends to be installed along the house wall.

A lot of careful cutting and positioning of conduit was required to get it installed as flush as possible to the wall and straight. The end result is a nice
neat install with the conduit hugging the edges of the wall very well with no overhang. The RG6 coaxial cable was then run through the roof and down the other
side of the house to the customers living room where he intended to place the modem.

NBN lead-in conduit installed on wall         NBN conduit installed on double story house